COVID-19 Support
If you or someone you know has a disability or chronic illness, and COVID-19 has made it harder to connect with people or to get care, information, supplies, Center for Independence can help. In addition to our regular services and activities, CFI is available to help community members with disabilities access the resources and supports needed to safely Stay Home, Stay Healthy, and Stay Connected during the COVID-19 pandemic.
CFI can help you access:
face masks
food and personal care necessities
virtual peer support groups
technology needed to access community resources
information about your rights
…and more!
We can work with you virtually, or with precautions at our offices in Marysville and Lakewood (please contact us before coming to our office). As always, our services are free for all individuals of all ages with disabilities of all types, living in Thurston, Pierce, South King, Snohomish, Skagit, Whatcom, Island, and San Juan Counties.
Video PSA produced by Jess Chrivoli and Annie De Armas, featuring many CFI staff and community members. Voiceover by Brian Christian, ASL by Jeremy Quiroga.
Resource List
Below are links to several resources related to COVID-19.
If you need assistance accessing any of the following resources, please call CFI at 253-582-1253 or 360-393-3890.
General information & updates is the source for the latest information about COVID-19 prevention, symptoms, and answers to common questions. has the latest information about what the U.S. Government is doing in response to COVID-19. has the latest public health and safety information from CDC and for the overarching medical and health provider community on COVID-19.
Kaiser Family Foundation has up-to-date State Data and Policy Actions to Address Coronavirus
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) videos on COVID-19 available in multiple languages:
COVID-19 Information Available in Braille and Audio from NFB-NEWSLINE
Disability Rights Resources
State Policies May Give People with Disabilities Lower Priority for COVID-19 Care - The Takeaway Podcast (April 15, 2020)
Weekly Video Series on Disability Policy: Tuesdays with Liz
Health Insurance, Medicaid, and Medicare Information
Coronavirus and health insurance FAQ (translated into 6 languages)
Washington State Health Care Authority: Enrolling in Apple Health (Medicaid) coverage
Food Resources
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP or Basic Food, formally called food stamps) is money for individuals and families to buy food from grocery stores, convenience stores, farmers markets, and other certified retailers. You have the right to apply for SNAP any time you need help, including in the case of sudden or temporary job loss. To apply, visit Washington Connection or the Benefit Finder on ParentHelp123. On both of these sites, you can also find out whether you are eligible for additional public benefits programs to help you get food or health care.
Washington WIC - WIC is the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children. WIC gives families access to nutritious foods, nutrition education and breastfeeding support, health assessments and referrals. WIC is for pregnant people, new and breastfeeding moms, infants, and children under five.
Washington Connection offers a fast and easy way for families and individuals to apply for a variety of services such as Food, Cash, Child Care, Long-Term Care, and Medicare Savings Programs. Individuals that are age 65 or older, blind or disabled may also apply for medical assistance.
Washington Food Coalition has been documenting closures or changes in operations at food banks across the state. See updates listed by county and date here
Food Lifeline's Google Map of currently open WA food banks and meal programs, updated daily
During the COVID-19 school closures, all students (children and teens only) can access free meals. Grab-and-go breakfast and lunch can be picked up in a single visit. Visit USDA Food and Nutrition Service's page for a list of school meal distribution sites or find communications from your local school district to learn more about meal distribution sites in your area.
Grocery delivery
Some of your local stores might have a delivery or pick up option; call them today and find out!
Housing and Utilities Resources
FAQ on renter protections from the National Low Income Housing Coalition
Find local legal aid offices at:
Rental Assistance by state:
Low Cost Internet and Technology Resources
Internet Essentials from Comcast - affordable internet at home for eligible households (low cost computers also available)
Free Technology for Educators and Students
Free JAWS, ZoomText, and Fusion through June 30, 2020
Free Aira for any university students needing assistance, contact
Disability-Specific Resources
Blind/Low Vision
Distance Learning Resources from the National Federation of the Blind ( including synchronous lessons for blind students and their families every Thursday at 8am PST / 11am EST)
National Homework Hotline for Blind/Visually Impaired Students
Tactile and High Contrast Graphic of the Zoom Interface created by @Neal_AT
Tactile Graphic Printing Instructions created by @n_c_ro
Meet Me Accessibly – A Guide to Zoom Cloud Meetings from a Blindness Perspective by @JonathanMosen
For Professionals & Allies
Online Teaching in a Pinch: an accessibility centered approach by Vern Harner
Don’t Be a Barrier: Be Accessible Now - Accessibility Resources from @NFB_Voice
Accessibility Tips from Yue-Ting Siu, TVI/COMS, Ph.D
Tactile and High Contrast Graphic of the Zoom Interface created by @Neal_AT
Tactile Graphic Printing Instructions created by @n_c_ro
Safeguard Against Disability Discrimination during COVID-19 fact sheet (aimed toward health care professionals) from the Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities
Accessibility Guidance for COVID-19 Drive-Thru Testing Sites
OCR Fact Sheet: Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 in Schools While Protecting the Civil Rights of Students
Additional resources
Advance Directives and End of Life Care guide specific to COVID-19:
Disability Community resources
COVID-19 Pandemic and People with Disabilities news and resources from RespectAbility
COVID-19 information and resource page from the Administration for Community Living
Learning about back-up caregivers and personal emergency response systems
Hopelink Mobility Management (transportation services)
COVID-19 Disability Community-Wide Resource List from The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies
The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies COVID-19 Disability and Disaster Hotline: 1-800-626-4959 /
A Message from the National Association of the Deaf About COVID-19
Chronic Disease and COVID-19: What You Need to Know: Tips and information to protect yourself and your family (PDF) (also available in Spanish here)
Preparing for Hospitalization During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Checklist for People with Disabilities
Communication Card - A tool to help individuals with language needs communicate with their health care provider, service provider, and first responders. This card seeks to assist people who are in need of language accommodations during the COVID-19 outbreak during emergency situations or for everyday interactions with service providers or caregivers. The two-sided card allows for individuals to indicate whether they are showing signs of COVID-19 symptoms or have language needs. The card includes graphics that represent common COVID-19 symptoms, prevention measures and language access needs. Also see Tips for Using Communication Cards guidance document for using these cards with deaf/hard-of-hearing individuals and individuals with limited English proficiency.
Know Your Rights: Bringing a Supporter to a Hospital or a Doctor’s Office by Green Mountain Advocates and the Autistic Self Advocacy Network: guide (PDF) and video
Washington State COVID-19 information and updates
Washington State Coronavirus Response website:
Washington State Department of Health COVID-19 Resources and Updates
Mental Health Resources
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Open Path Collective (Non-Profit providing low-cost therapy services for individuals who are uninsured or underinsured)
SAMHSA National Hotline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Mental Health Resource List from the National Alliance on Mental Illness of WA State
Domestic Violence Resources
Domestic Violence during COVID-19 - resource list from the American Bar Association
Work and Financial Resources
Information about applying for unemployment in Washington State
Economic Impact ("Stimulus") Payment (if you have filed taxes, click the link for "filers." If you have not, click the link for "non-filers")
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet on Economic Impact Payments
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet on Unemployment Insurance
Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Employee Paid Leave Rights
Self-Care Resources
Ability360 Self-Care Tips: COVID-19 Checklist for Setting a New Routine
Nextdoor: Connect with neighbors
List of free online courses from top Universities
Mutual Aid Networks
Washington and Pacific Northwest COVID-19 Mutual Aid Network List (includes the following groups and more; updated regularly)
Cascadia Bioregional Mutual Aid for Deaf Communities of Color: Mutual aid support for underrepresented community members who identify as Deaf BIPOC in British Columbia, Washington State and Oregon only. Twitter. Facebook.
Southwest Washington Mutual Aid: The intent of this group is to open up space to share Southwest Washington and global community information and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Snohomish County Mutual Aid: We are a grass roots group united to help our neighbors during the COVID19 crisis.
Jefferson County Mutual Aid: JeffCo Mutual Aid is focused on giving money to people who lost their jobs or are experiencing financial hardship due to the Covid-19 crisis.
Snohomish County Emergency Mutual Aid Group: Mutual Aid Group for the residents of Snohomish County.
Kitsap Community Mutual Aid: This is an intake form to help community members ask other community members for support in Kitsap during the COVID-19 pandemic. Facebook. Spread sheet.
Puget Sound COV-19 Mutual Aid: Seattle based collective well-being through class solidarity, disability justice, anti-racism, abolition. Resource guide here. Donate here. Instagram.
Lettered Streets Mutual Aid: Coordinating efforts including childcare, eldercare, housing, supplies, food, emotional support in the Lettered Streets neighborhood of Bellingham and beyond. We can also help connect you to other efforts happening in Bellingham and Whatcom County. Request support. Offer support.
Tacoma Mutual Aid Collective: Tacoma Mutual Aid Collective works in solidarity with Tacoma communities to support resource, knowledge, and skill sharing across our neighborhoods. Currently organizing free food programs for kids hit by school closures and beyond. Support via PayPal. Grocery program sign-up form.
Olympia Mutual Aid: We are coordinating food and supply drop offs to people’s front doors. Please use this form if you would like to help make deliveries. Facebook.
Olympia Community Resilience: Olympia Community Resilience is a volunteer run mutual aid project coordinating support involving grocery delivery, food restrictions, translation or interpretation services, pharmacy prescription pickups, running errands, food preparation, and centering accessibility needs and prioritizes vulnerable populations including those experiencing marginalization from disability, quarantine without pay, transphobia, racism, ageism, ableism, homelessness or housing insecurity and other health conditions. Request support. Offer support. Email: